If you think that COVID-19 shut your school down, then it was shut down way before COVID-19. The only thing that closed with COVID-19 was the physical presence on school campuses across the nation. It did not shut down authentic student relationships, parental engagement, or the mission and value of the school.
COVID forced us to differentiate instruction. Now don't get me wrong, it was drastic measures, but it is definitely individualized for each student. I think we learned that cookie cutter approaches NEVER work... not before COVID nor after. Schools that have continued throughout this process have definitely learned a tremendous amount of information about their communities. We learned about what resources were available, should be available, not available, and what was being avoided.
COVID improved our communication with families and students. It actually gave everyone a voice. However I can't help but to think... did schools listen to the voices of the students... That's another Blog for another day.
We have just finished 3 days of activities for our seniors. We hosted a Virtual Baccalaureate on Sunday, Drive Thru Graduation Checklist Day on Monday, and a Virtual Senior Awards Day on Tuesday. Our days may be closed, but our hearts are wide open. COVID made us think of innovative ways to show our students that we loved them versus caring. There's a huge difference.
We have to find the good in everything, and we can't waste time ANY longer. Don't spend time complaining about what could have been... spend that time making a difference.
