Graduation Season. A time when families come together to celebrate the academic accomplishments of their loved ones. It's a time that love is expressed, and genuine compassion is shown through the showering of gifts to the graduate. It's a time loved by all. But what about during the middle of a pandemic?
Due to COVID-19 school buildings have been shut down for the last two months. Gov Kay Ivey began to reopen the state. We were able to provide a graduation ceremony for our students. Keep in mind, we had to follow all guidelines regarding social distancing. Even though it was extra work, it was worth it for our students. We planned for several days to make sure that we were able to provide a top of the line ceremony for our students.
I am extremely proud of my faculty and staff. We met at 5:00pm and the rest was history. My teachers served the senior families with excellence. We did it all from getting parents from the car, to students in the lunchroom. From delivering programs, to escorting parents to the restroom. We Served! That was our primary goal for the evening.
In my opinion, graduation 2020 was probably one of my favorite graduations. It was a bit longer than usual, but extremely intimate for the students and their families.
