There's a pandemic going on in our nation.
COVID-19, the obvious and most recent pandemic had definitely affected us all in some form or fashion. But, there is another pandemic that continues to stain the history of our great nation.
This week we were face to face with Racism with the untimely death of George Floyd. Regardless of your stance regarding politics or even the protests and riots, we all can agree that A MAN LOST HIS LIFE ON CAMERA FROM A KNEE ON HIS NECK.
As a Black Man it Hurts... As a Christian and Believer of Jesus Christ, It Hurts More!
Yes what we are dealing with is definitely a skin issue... but the skin on the outside is being impacted by the sin on the inside.
Contrary to belief there is only one heaven and one hell. Eternal destinations only have one race... the human race. We are commanded to love one another.
1 John 3:15 says "Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer and you know that NO murderer has eternal life in him."
We are not to love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.
It's not what you are saying, it is WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Love is an Action Verb.
