Today Mr. Anthony "Tony" Hunter was funeralized in Montgomery Alabama. I went to college with Tony at Alabama A&M University. Even though we were classmates at the same university, I didn't know him until years after through social media. I did remember seeing him as a football player and a member of Kappa Alpha Psi. Me being a member of Phi Beta Sigma, I didn't have too much to do with Kappas. Let's just face it... Sigma's are the BEST!!! Oddly enough several of my good friends are Kappas (Shout Out to Hop {Arthur Gooden}, Butta {Christopher Hutchinson}, Kelbo {Kelvin Wilson}, Jason Johnson, Michael Wiggins, and Harold Sullivan). Laugh People...
As I knew him on Facebook, Tony was a great guy. We conversed several times through Facebook Messenger about life, our profession of education, and the good ole days at Alabama A&M University. He and I were looking for him a job to get back closer to the south just about two years ago. He was really looking for a coaching job. I would have loved to worked with him. He was living in the D.C. area, up there with Justin and some other of my friends. We were last in D.C. for Kiesha's pageant and our schedules didn't allow us to physically meet, but we did catch up on the phone. He was a real cool guy. Very smooth and that man could dress his behind off.
News came of his death one day before my 37th birthday. I became very sad and extremely reflective. I wondered did I say all that I could say. Did I do enough... It has been a few weeks since we connected on Messenger so I felt bad that I hadn't connected with him. Life makes us question ourselves. I was also very disturbed to hear that he passed due to a heart attack. Given that my profession is EXTREMELY stressful, I understand that strokes and heart attacks occur often within our stressed population. I began to consider my own health. (I've got to get saved from Caramel Frappes). My schedule has been so hectic lately that I have not been able to work out as routinely as I have in previous months. Needless to say, a change has occurred.
To put it in perspective, we never know when it is our time to answer that call. We have to decide how we will perceive the call. If we are strong in our faith and live a life of righteousness, then we will be excited about our transition, even though we will miss our family. If we are not so strong in our fatih, then our future will be uncertain and we will not be sure about what lies ahead. Regardless of how you feel, one day it is coming, unless the rapture comes first. Live your life according to how you want to spend eternity.
Continue to rest on in peace Tony. I pray blessings on your family, especially your mother, fiance and your daughter. You left a lasting impression on me friend. You left an impression on the entire Alabama A&M University family. Thank you for reaching out to me on social media so that I could join the ranks of those that knew you as the phenomenal friend you were. To the rest of us here, be ready...
